summary method for class "ilse" or "fiml".

summary(object, Nbt=20)

  # S3 method for ilse
summary(object, Nbt=20)

  # S3 method for fiml
summary(object, Nbt=20)




an object of class "ilse".


an positive integer, the repeated times of bootstrap to eatimate covariance matrix of regression coefficient.


The function summary.ilse computes and returns a named matrix of summary statistics of the fitted linear model given in object by ILSE or FIML methods. The function Fitted.values return a vector, fitted repsonse vlaues. The function Residuals return a vector, residuals.

See also

summary.lm fitted.vlaues residuals


# example one data(nhanes) NAlm <- ilse(age~., data=nhanes) summary(NAlm, Nbt=5)
#> ===================Start bootstrapping================
#> ===================Finish bootstrapping================
#> Estimate std. Error Z value Pr(>|Z|) #> (Intercept) 2.06942664 0.420946545 4.916127 8.827318e-07 #> bmi -0.11656313 0.040330142 -2.890224 3.849679e-03 #> hyp 0.62109971 0.456887171 1.359416 1.740148e-01 #> chl 0.01056364 0.004463097 2.366887 1.793843e-02
fimllm <- fimlreg(age~., data=nhanes) summary(fimllm, Nbt = 5)
#> ===================Start bootstrapping================
#> ===================Finish bootstrapping================
#> Estimate std. Error Z value Pr(>|Z|) #> intercept 2.37216291 0.59046199 4.0174693 5.882649e-05 #> bmi -0.13518966 0.44922497 -0.3009398 7.634604e-01 #> hyp 0.46886921 1.04053468 0.4506041 6.522749e-01 #> chl 0.01253721 0.06695098 0.1872595 8.514572e-01