Fit the spatial covariate-augmented overdispersed Poisson factor model
a count matrix, the observed count matrix with shape n-by-p.
a sparse matrix, the weighted adjacency matrix;
a n-by-d matrix, the covariate matrix with low-rank regression coefficient matrix;
an optional matrix, the fixed-dimensional covariate matrix with control variables; default as a full-one column vector if there is no additional covariates.
an optional vector, the offset for each unit; default as full-zero vector.
an optional integer, specify the rank of the regression coefficient matrix; default as 5.
an optional string, specify the number of factors; default as 15.
an optional positive vlaue, tolerance of relative variation rate of the envidence lower bound value, defualt as '1e-8'.
the maximum iteration of the VEM algorithm. The default is 30.
a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
a logical value, add the identifiability condition in iterative algorithm or add it after algorithm converges; default as FALSE.
an integer, set the random seed in initialization, default as 1;
an optional integer taking value 1 0r 2, select the algorithm used, default as 1, representing variational EM algorithm.
return a list including the following components:
- the predicted factor matrix;
- the estimated loading matrix;
- the estimated low-rank large coefficient matrix;
- the estimated regression coefficient matrix corresponing to Z;
- the inverse of the estimated variances of error;
- the estimated spatial autocorrelation parameter;
- the approximated posterior covariance for each row of F;
- the ELBO value when algorithm stops;
- the sequence of ELBO values.
- the running time in model fitting of SpaCOAP;
Liu W, Zhong Q. High-dimensional covariate-augmented overdispersed poisson factor model. Biometrics. 2024 Jun;80(2):ujae031.
width <- 20; height <- 15; p <- 100
d <- 20; k <- 3; q <- 6; r <- 3
datlist <- gendata_spacoap(width=width, height=height, p=p, d=20, k=k, q=q, rank0=r)
fitlist <- SpaCOAP(X_count=datlist$X, Adj_sp = datlist$Adj_sp, H= datlist$H, Z = datlist$Z, q=6, rank_use=3)
#> Calculate initial values...
#> Model fitting...
#> iter = 2, ELBO= 476439166591111.562500, dELBO=221860.275639
#> iter = 3, ELBO= 476439166600595.812500, dELBO=0.000000
#> List of 10
#> $ F : num [1:300, 1:6] -1.11 0.157 -1.377 1.443 0.603 ...
#> $ B : num [1:100, 1:6] 0.238 1.168 -0.901 -1.394 -2.052 ...
#> $ bbeta : num [1:100, 1:20] 0.127 2.45 -1.982 2.09 -1.111 ...
#> $ alpha : num [1:100, 1:3] 1.6629 1.6303 -0.0133 1.6839 2.3901 ...
#> $ invLambda: num [1:100, 1] 0.566 0.558 0.492 0.569 0.286 ...
#> $ eta : num 0.516
#> $ S : num [1:6, 1:6, 1:300] 0.01128 -0.000497 0.000162 0.000692 0.000644 ...
#> $ ELBO : num 4.76e+14
#> $ ELBO_seq : num [1:2] -2.15e+09 4.76e+14
#> $ time_use : Named num 0.03
#> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "elapsed"