Plot spatial heatmap for a Seurat object with spatial transcriptomics data.
SpaPlot(seuInt, batch=NULL, item=NULL, point_size=2,text_size=12,
cols=NULL,font_family='', border_col="gray10",
fill_col='white', ncol=2, combine = TRUE,
title_name="Sample", ...)
an object named "Seurat".
an optional positive integer or integer vector, specify the batches to be extracted. Users can check the batches' names by unique(seuInt$batch)
an optional string, which column is plotted in the meta data of seuInt. Users can check the meta data by head(
. If item
takes value from ("RGB_UMAP", "RGB_tSNE"), this function will plot the RGB plot.
the size of point in the scatter plot.
the text size in the plot.
colors used in the plot
the font family used for the plot, default as Times New Roman.
the border color in the plot.
the color used in backgroup.
the number of columns in the layout of plots.
an optional logical value, whether plot all on a figure. If TRUE, all figures are plotted; otherwise, return a list with each plot as component.
an optional string, title name in the plot.
other arguments passed to plot_scatter
Return a ggplot2 object or list of ggplots objects.
PRECASTObj <- SelectModel(PRECASTObj)
seuInt <- IntegrateSpaData(PRECASTObj, species='unknown')
#> Using only PRECAST results to obtain the batch corrected gene expressions since species is unknown or the genelist in PRECASTObj has less than 5 overlapp with the housekeeping genes of given species.