For a list of publications, see also ResearchGate or Google schoolar.



1. Statistical Method and Thoery
  • [7] Wei Liu, Qingzhi Zhong* (2024). High-dimensional covariate-augmented Overdispersed Poisson factor models. Biometrics, 80(2), ujae031, PDF in Biometrics, PDF in arxiV. CRAN R package, Github R package, and COAP’s usage and applications.

  • [6] Wei Liu, Guizhen Li, Lan Luo, Ling Zhou* (2024). High-dimensional large-scale mixed-type data imputation under missing at random. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics. Accepted, Github Matlab tool

  • [5] Wei Liu, Lan Luo*, Ling Zhou* (2023). Online missing value imputation for high-dimensional mixed data via generalized factor models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 187, 107822 PDF, Github R package

  • [4] Wei Liu, Huazhen Lin*, Jin Liu & Shurong Zheng (2023) Two-directional simultaneous inference for high-dimensional models, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 42:1, 298-309. PDF, CRAN R package, Github R package

  • [3] Wei Liu, Huazhen Lin*, Li Liu, Yanyuan Ma, Ying Wei, Yi Li (2023). Supervised structural learning of semiparametric regression on high-dimensional correlated covariates with applications to eQTL studies. Statistics in Medicine, 42(18), 3145-3163

  • [2] Wei Liu, Huazhen Lin*, Shurong Zheng & Jin Liu (2023). Generalized factor model for ultra-high dimensional correlated variables with mixed types. Journal of the American Statistics Association, 118(542), 1385-1401. PDF, Matlab tool, CRAN R package, Github R package, and GFM’s usage and applications.

  • [1] Huazhen Lin*, Wei Liu, & Wei Lan (2021). Regression Analysis with individual-specific patterns of missing covariates. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 39(1), 179-188. PDF, CRAN R package, Github R package, and ILSE’s usage and applications.

2. Statistical Genomics (Single-Cell RNA-seq/Spatial transcriptomics)


  • Our PRECAST method is recognized as the representative method for spatial domain identification in a Science paper. Date: 2024-05-24.

  • A computational framework for integrating and analyzing multiple spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) datasets, callded PRECAST published on Nature Communications. Date: 2023-01-20.

  • A computational framework for joint dimension reduction and spatial clustering, callded DR-SC published on Nucleic Acids Research. Date: 2022-05-29.

* Corresponding author, c co-first author.