Select the number of clusters by specified criteria.
selectModel(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1)
# S3 method for drscObject
selectModel(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1)
# S3 method for Seurat
selectModel(obj, criteria = 'MBIC', pen.const=1)
an object with class Seurat
by DR.SC or class drscObject
by DR.SC_fit.
a string, specify the criteria used for selecting the number of clusters, supporting "MBIC", "BIC" and "AIC".
an optional positive value, the adjusted constant used in the MBIC criteria. It usually takes value between 0.1 to 1.
For S3 method of Seurat
, it return a revised "Seurat" object with updated Idents(seu)
, spatial.drsc.cluster
in the metadata and DimReduc object named dr-sc
in the slot reductions
. For S3 method of drscObject
, it returns a list with the following components:
the selected number of clusters.
inferred class labels
extracted latent features.
a numeric matrix including the criteria value for each number of clusters K.
seu <- gendata_RNAExp(height=10, width=10,p=50, K=4)
seu <- NormalizeData(seu, verbose=FALSE)
# or choose 40 spatailly variable features using FindSVGs in DR.SC
seu <- FindSVGs(seu, nfeatures = 40, verbose=FALSE)
# users define the adjacency matrix
Adj_sp <- getAdj(seu, platform = 'ST')
#> Neighbors were identified for 100 out of 100 spots.
var.features <- seu@assays$RNA@var.features
X <- Matrix::t(seu[["RNA"]]@data[var.features,])
# maxIter = 2 is only used for illustration, and user can use default.
drscList <- DR.SC_fit(X,Adj_sp=Adj_sp ,K=4, maxIter=2, verbose=TRUE)
#> Fit DR-SC model...
#> -------------------Calculate inital values-------------
#> Using accurate PCA to obtain initial values
#> -------------------Finish computing inital values-------------
#> -------------------Starting ICM-EM algortihm-------------
#> iter = 2, loglik= -981.827503, dloglik=1.000000
#> -------------------Complete!-------------
#> elasped time is :0.04
#> Finish DR-SC model fitting
drsc1 <- selectModel(drscList)
#> List of 4
#> $ bestK : Named num 4
#> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "K"
#> $ cluster: num [1:100] 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 ...
#> $ hZ : num [1:100, 1:15] -7.94 -6.66 -9.91 14.41 11.98 ...
#> $ icMat : num [1, 1:2] 4 10653
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr "K"
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "K" "IC"